What is Mursalski Mountain Tea?

One of the wonders of the Rhodopes Mountain and grown in altitudes up to a 2000 meters. ‘Mursalski’ Mountain Tea (Sideritis Scardica) is believed by local people to help with almost any ailment.

Mountain tea is very popular across the Balkan countries and is scientifically known to be an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and rich in antioxidants. Due to its rich phyto-nutrient and high antioxidant content, it is believed to play a significant role in optimizing our health, and protecting us from many age related diseases.

It is believed to help with colds, respiratory problems, immune system, digestion, reduce blood pressure, mild anxiety and as a powerful antioxidant. This versatile, robust tea is also used as an anti-inflammatory and to reduce fever, making it a popular choice of tea among many, over the winter months.

The mountain tea is hand-harvested during July/August for the highest concentration of polyphenols. It is immediately air-dried to preserve its flavour and quality.

Very few are allowed to harvest and cultivate Mursalski, as it is protected by law in Bulgaria. There are no fertilizers or pesticides, just the four elements that create this truly wonderful herb. 

You can find Mursal tea under different names such as: Mursalski tea, Mursala tea, Mursaski Chai, Mountain tea, Bulgarian tea or by its latin name: ‘Sideritis Scardica’. It is only grown in Bulgaria. The second type is ‘Sideritis Raeseri’ which is cultivated in Greece.

It has a sweet flavour profile with light hints of mint.  

How to make Mursalski tea?

Infuse one heaped tablespoon (or cut 2 stalks) and steep in 500 ml boiled water (100°C) for 5-8 min and strain. Best served with a spoon of natural honey and a slice of lemon. 

Drink up to 3 times per day.

Click here to try the wonders of Mursalski Mountain tea at home.


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